zaterdag 5 november 2011

donderdag 12 mei 2011

Amanda Palmer!

You should all just read this to have a clear idea of what happened - unless you're not Dutch, in which case you probably don't understand. Short story is as follows: Amanda Palmer free ninja gig  --> Amanda Palmer arrested by evil Dutch police in Amsterdam for being awesome --> special VIP gig and free drinks for all.

A day is too short to really sort out the amount of pictures I've taken, but I'll just share these ones to start off. 

maandag 2 mei 2011

Black & White

In my experience, black and white in gigphotos are usually an excuse to cover up bad images. It's mainly used as a last resort to try to save a bad image from the bin, but it can be good sometimes. Sometimes. I do quite like black/white stuff, if it's clearly meant to be black/white, and not just a desperate attempt to save a pic.

donderdag 21 april 2011

Only Seven Left

Went to see Only Seven Left, a crappy Dutch emo band, about a month ago in the Underground with Suus, Ed and Shla. Took some pics, which turned out rather well, taking in consideration I wasn't there to take photos.

zondag 30 januari 2011


Although I sort of dedicate this blog to everything concert-photography related, I'm willing to make a rare exception now, mainly because.. I haven't been doing anything concert-photography related lately, and editing some old pics I found is a really good distraction from what I really should be doing.
Here you go!

zondag 9 januari 2011


I personally think DeWolff is pretty awesome, so when they came to the Underground a couple of months ago, I had a good time. Some pics from the night:

 If I had had a better camera, I think I would've liked what this pic could've turned out like.